The South Lake Business Association's newsletter is a source of information and news for businesses and property owners within the South Lake Avenue Business District, the City of Pasadena and residential communities. We are currently accepting submissions for the May 2009 newsletter so if you are a South Lake Avenue business or property owner and would like to participate in the newsletter, please e-mail your submission to slba@southlakeavenue.org by April 20th.
South Lake Business Association
Association Meetings
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 | 8:00am - 10:00am Corporate Center Pasadena
251 S. Lake Avenue, Suite 130, Pasadena - View Map!
In the Spotlight! Why Richard A. McDonald Chose South Lake Avenue
 For eleven years, Richard A. McDonald commuted from Pasadena to Century City to practice law at a big law firm. He is also actively involved in his daughters' lives and the City of Pasadena by serving on the Transportation Advisory Commission, the 2001 Redistricting Task Force and now the Planning Commission.
This past month, Richard finally made the move to relocate his law practice to Pasadena; in particular, to The Commons at 140 South Lake Avenue in the heart of the South Lake Avenue Business District. Why South Lake Avenue you ask? Simple. After looking all over the City, South Lake Avenue is the one spot where the past, present and future are all rolled into one. The past, for Richard, is the memories of his little girls playing in the English telephone booths he now watches over from his new office and the courtship of his wife at the restaurants along South Lake Avenue. The present is the issues of economic development and growth now under consideration by the Planning Commission and City, all of which are representative of what is happening throughout the City. The future is the exciting new and diverse businesses, shops and restaurants opening all along Lake Avenue that are bringing a new energy and vibe to the area, along with the exciting new developments in the pipeline for this area. As growth and development head further East, Lake Avenue increasingly becomes the main cross street for the City and the half-way point for everyone as well.
After looking all over the rest of the City, he simply could not find as affordable a place to land with as much history and potential as South Lake Avenue. Each day he discovers something new and sees something historical. In doing so, Richard is reminded of the statement that "Pasadena is where the past meets the future." That spirit is captured here on South Lake Avenue and he is genuinely glad to be a part of it.
For more information, please contact Richard at 626.356.4801 |
J Beverly Hills Donates! 820 E. Green Street | 626.577.2002
 J Beverly Hills Salon is proud to announce that a portion of their March proceeds were donated to Five Acres, which is an organization that assists children in finding homes.
For more information please contact J Beverly Hills at 626.577.2002. |
Pasadena's General Plan
The General Plan is a framework for translating broad community values and expectations into specific strategies for managing growth and enhancing the quality of life in Pasadena. The General Plan is reviewed regularly and updated periodically so it can continue to be a realistic document for achieving the community's vision for the future.
Certain chapters of the General Plan, known as elements, are being updated in 2009. For more information please visit: Pasadena's General Plan |
Celebrate Spring at Macy's 401 S. Lake Avenue | 626.792.0211
Friday, April 3, 2009 | 5:30pm Designer Shoe Salon, Level 1Come to Macy's and find shoes so lovely that they are guaranteed to make your heart skip a beat. Enjoy music, savory delights and wine while shopping the evening away. RSVP: 626.737.6499 View Printable Flyer
Saturday, April 4, 2009 | 2:00pm - 4:00pmSigning Event: Join Macy's to celebrate family with the symbolic world of Lladro, where emotion finds a means of expression in the language of porcelain.
RSVP: 626.792.0211 x 2625 View Printable Flyer
Saturday, April 25, 2009 Macy's Celebrates a national shopping event to benefit the National Park Foundation and local participating organizations working to conserve and protect the environment.
Web Business Models! The Art of Small Business Survival Workshops!
Four of the most common Web business models will be examined:
- Product sales (selling goods)
- Service sales (offering services)
- Information delivery (providing an informational Web site)
- Online communities (social networks)
For more information please visit: http://ci.pasadena.ca.us/planninganddevelopment/asbs/asbs.asp |
Coldwater Creek Spring Sale! 455 S. Lake Avenue #102 | 626.578.1625
 Spring Sale! Save up to 50% on selected merchandise including apparel, jewelry, accessories, home accents and gifts! Sale ends April 12, 2009 or while supplies last. See a Sales Associate for details. View Printable Coupon.
South Lake Avenue Parking News
The South Lake Avenue Business District has both On-Street and Off-Street Parking available to customers and visitors. For more information regarding time limits, operating hours and rates, please view the attached Printable Flyer or contact 626.744.7665.
Enterprise Zone Workshop!
The City of Pasadena Enterprise Zone Hiring Credit WorkshopThursday, April 2, 2009 | 7:30am - 9:00am
Location: Brookside Golf Course (1155 Rosemont Avenue).
This Workshop will only focus on the Hiring Credit Program and how businesses can apply for and utilize this State tax credit. On-line registration is available for this event. For more information please call 626.744.7347 or view Printable Flyer. | |
Thank you for reading the South Lake Business Association's April e-newsletter! Stay tuned for our May news!
Got News? May 2009 e-Newsletter submissions due by April 20th and accepted on a first come first serve basis. Subject to availability. |