On behalf of the South Lake Business Association and its Board of Directors, we would like to wish everyone a safe and fun 4th of July weekend! For those traveling out of town, enjoy your weekend! For those staying in town, there are plenty of sales and promotions taking place on South Lake Avenue so please be sure to stop by and take advantage of these specials. Click to learn about South Lake:
The South Lake Business Association's monthly newsletter is a source of information and news for business and property owners within the South Lake Avenue Business District, the City of Pasadena, and residential communities. We are currently accepting submissions for the August 2010 newsletter. If you are a South Lake Avenue business or property owner and would like to participate in the newsletter, please e-mail your submission to slba@southlakeavenue.org by July 20th.
South Lake Business Association
Click on the below links to view pictures of South Lake Avenue's most recent events!
FLY FLISHING AT ORVIS! 345 S. Lake Avenue | 626-356-8000
Every Saturday in July 2010 from 9:00am-12:00pm, participating Orvis stores and dealers will offer free fly casting and fly rod rigging classes. Upon completion of the courses, every participant will receive a $15 Orvis savings card and a certificate for a free membership to Trout Unlimited (a $35 value). All ages and beginning skill levels are welcome to attend the Fly Fishing 101 event.
For more information or to RSVP your spot call Orvis Pasadena at 626-356-8000. Space is limited. |
POTTERY BARN KIDS BOOK CLUB! 511 S. Lake Avenue | 626-405-1743 
Shop kids' and baby furniture and bedding at Pottery Barn Kids. For decorating tips, baby registry and great gifts for kids, visit www.PotteryBarnKids.com.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010 | 11:00am
Join Pottery Barn Kids for a delightful morning of fairy tales and fun as a storybook princess makes a special appearance.
SAVINGS AT RIGHT START! 370 S. Lake Avenue | 626-585-8900  Founded in 1985, Right Start is a leading retailer of juvenile products for infants though toddlers. They carry a carefully selected assortment of the finest quality strollers, car seats, nursery and feeding accessories, plus a complete collection of care products and more! |
SAVINGS AT PACIFIC SALES! 440 S. Lake Avenue | 626-356-3359 
PACIFIC SALES has been a source for superior, famous brand name products for the home for over 49 years. Their exceptionally low prices and unsurpassed selection has made them a source for builders, contractors and designers, as well as a one-stop shopping solution for consumers looking to save both time and money.
Save up to 70% on select items during the Pacific Sales 4th of July clearance event! For more information, please visit Pacific Sales 4th of July Sale. |
GIGGLE STORYTIME! 517 S. Lake Avenue | 626-744-0233

giggle isn't just a baby store: it's a new parent store. When stocking a nursery, there's a lot to take into account, and the choices can be overwhelming. Their goal is to make your job a whole lot easier, not by offering everything out there, but by offering the best of everything out there.
Enjoy giggle storytime Wednesdays at 11:00am for interactive storytelling. For more information regarding giggle Pasadena in-store events and promotions, please visit giggle Pasadena Events and Promotions. |
CORNER BAKERY'S BBLT! 345 S. Lake Avenue, Suite #107 | 626-578-1281
 The wait is over! The Corner's completely crave-able take on the classic sandwich is all it's stacked up to be. With TWO TIMES the applewood smoked bacon, lettuce and summer's finest local tomatoes, spread with homemade cracked pepper balsamic mayo and served warm on Mom's white toast, the BBLT is sure to become your pick of the season!
And for a limited time, when you order a BBLT or any other sandwich or salad, enjoy a FREE cup of any of our homemade soups. Click here for a printer-friendly version of the offer. For more information, please visit Corner Bakery Cafe. |
FEATURED SPACE! Interested in opening your business in the South Lake Avenue Business District? The South Lake Business Association can help! Every month, we'll be featuring an available listing in our newsletter.
Location of Featured Space:
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 | 8:00am - 10:00am Corporate Center Pasadena
251 S. Lake Avenue, Suite 200, Pasadena - View Map!
Thank you for reading the South Lake Business Association's July e-newsletter! Stay tuned for our August news!
Got News? August 2010 e-Newsletter submissions due by July 20th and accepted on a first come first serve basis. Subject to availability. |