CicLAvia Pasadena – Sunday, May 31st

CicLAvia Pasadena, presented by Metro, will be held on Sunday, May 31st from 9:00am to 4:00pm.  CicLAvia catalyzes vibrant public spaces, active transportation and good health through car-free streets.

For event details including information regarding street closures, please visit CicLAvia Notification.  Businesses are encouraged to get involved and can learn more at CicLAvia Participation & Opportunities, General Business Tips, and Sampling Guidelines.

UCLA wants to put some numbers and analysis behind this fun-filled day. UCLA particularly wants to understand how this event effects business sales along the route. To do this, they recruit businesses to provide sales data for a Sunday before (May 17th) and the Sunday of the event (May 31) and compare these figures. Between April 27 and May 16, UCLA graduate students will be in the field recruiting businesses for the study. They hope you will agree to participate in the study. The more businesses participating, the better data they have to share with the event organizers.

Based on UCLA’s experience and analysis, here are their top three recommendations to businesses: 

  1. Open during the hours of CicLAvia. For bars or other establishments that open only in the evening, consider opening earlier in the day.
  2. Bring your business out onto the sidewalk and actively engage. This may mean sidewalk sales or a sample table.
  3. Talk with your neighboring businesses to coordinate and increase visibility.

For more information, please visit CicLAvia.