General Plan Business Workshop

The Stage is Set for the General Plan!  Help Shape Pasadena’s Future!

Which alternative is the best for Pasadena’s future?  Which plan will you choose?  You will be asked these questions this June as the city continues to update its General Plan. 

Hundreds of participants devised four alternatives for city land use and mobility plans at workshops last fall. Alternative A calls for growth to be diverted from the Central District to East Pasadena and other major corridors, Alternative B calls for maximizing economic vitality and jobs, Alternative C calls for “smart growth” along transportation lines and major intersections and Alternative D calls for slowing growth citywide. 

This June, a community survey will be available online and mailed to all households and businesses asking for feedback on which alternative, or combination of alternatives, they prefer. 

The community will be asked to make decisions based on how much the alternatives would affect jobs, housing, traffic, greenhouse gas emissions and much more.  Your feedback will be the basis for the new General Plan. 

Community workshops are also scheduled for everyone to learn more about the alternatives, including a special workshop on Thursday, June 23 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Pasadena City College (Building CC, Creveling Lounge located at the northwest part of campus; parking is available at Lot 3 from Hill St. for $2 per vehicle).

The South Lake Business Association is one of several groups that have partnered with the City of Pasadena to encourage businesses to attend the special workshop and complete the survey.

Other workshops will be held on Thursday, June 16 at 6:30 p.m. at the John Muir High School Cafeteria; Saturday, June 25 at 9:30 a.m. at the Madison Elementary School Auditorium; and Tuesday, June 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the CEC-Community Educational Center in East Pasadena. 

 For the latest news on the survey and workshops, or to join the email list, visit or call 744-6807.

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